Orphan Cry in Russia
Orphan Cry was started in 2003 after several short-term mission trips to Russia, followed by several more personal trips and successful outreach efforts.
Orphan Cry has had the priviledge of working in a number of Russian orphangaes, boarding schools, and residential facilities for children with visual problems, cerebral palsy, and other conditions. We have found the directors and staff to be wonderful caring people who go above and beyond to care for the children in their facilities. Additionally, the help and partnership of Russian nationals has been vital to our success.
We have undertaken many humanitarian projects in the Russian Federation - some with the help of Rotary Clubs who have partnered with us along the way.
The most notable activites, however, are the simple interactions we have had with many children in these various facilities.
Unfortunately, due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, the current sanctions make it virtually impossible to provide any assistance to Russia from Orphan Cry.
There is so much we are now unable to do. However, God has blessed these places with a Russian Businessman who has stepped in the gap and continued some of our Christmas and New Year celebrations for the children - for that we are grateful.